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Ten (10) Reasons Why They Call You “FAKE”

Ok Ladies, so you have a problem with the people around you calling you fake, if you have one or more on this list then guess what *in Maury voice* YOU ARE FAKE!

      Hair - *puts hand over eyes* Ladies, please I beg of you, choose a hairdresser that will not turn you into a clown.  Moreover, if it was your idea, please visit an optometrist near you, because you clearly need one.


      Eyebrows – It is understood that the shaving or waxing of the eyebrows can be appealing to the eyes, but when you reach to the point of shaving off every single piece of hair from over your eyes just to draw on an eyebrow, is a bit hysterical. Please ladies, do not get caught with the surprised look. It is a ridiculous look.


      Eyelashes – Ok eyelashes that enhance the eyes I have no problem with, but when they come over your eyes like a huge fan, I suggest you take them off. You Look Fake.

      Complexion aka makeup – There are some of us out there that does not know the meaning of too much.    I  am here to let you know. If you are of a cocoa brown complexion and your makeup is caramel brown, then you my dear friend, need to consult as makeup artist, a fashion expert and Jesus, cause there is something definitely wrong with you.


Breasts – This is for about 80% of women out there, if the men cannot stuff their pants, then why create a false impression for them with your chest. If you were born with AAA cup breasts, please do not put on a B cup bra, it just makes it worse for you.


     Nails – When your nails decide to go AWOL (absent without official leave) from your hand, and you keep finding them in places they were not meant to be, like in your food, it is time to be rid  of that disgusting habit. Grow your own.


     Shape – Not everyone is fortunate enough to have the perfect body, but if you are uncomfortable with the way you look, then try exercising not masking. Again, if the male species created a false impression the way women do, you would be pissed off.

Buttocks – I literally laugh when the commercial for the “butt underwear”
      comes on.  Yes, I understand that your clothing does look and fits better
     with a bigger butt, but how about trying some butt crunches or squats to add muscle to the area. It never hurts to try you have nothing to lose.


     Accent – If you were born in The United States of America or the Caribbean, have never left your place of residence, has no parent from any other country, but speaks with an English accent fluently. You have been labelled as fake.



       Attitude –Nobody likes to be around someone with a bad attitude.  So as beautiful as they may be, or  how much like goddesses they were built like, if their attitude stinks, their whole outlook becomes rotten. Changing their attitudes can change their life. Do not ever let your attitude destroy the brightness of you future.

Photos taken by Google Images


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